I received the April sample box kit from my friend Tania of Two Sisters Art in Kingaroy Queensland, and it contained a few yummy art supplies that I hadn’t tried before (go figure and I thought I had everything! 😉
So I decided to create a little video using these wonderful fabric painting and colouring supplies. And I have to say I just fell in love with them. I can see all sorts of wonderful exotic printed fabric appearing all over my house now….
I’m a bit of a collage fan (as you may know) so I created a bunch of “collage fabrics” and combined them with some of my own artwork which I printed out onto fabric with my laser printer, added a bit of embroidery, and whallah! A fancy tote was born.
I hope you enjoy the video and gather some inspiration for creating your own “collage fabrics”!
All classroom/video content is the copyright of Toni Burt 2020.
Please refer to the FAQ’s in regard to copyright here.