Hello everyone!
I am over the moon with excitement – eeek! – that I am going to be teaching on Ever After this year!
It is a dream come true for me to be able to share my art journey with you all in such an amazing and supportive environment.
And even MORE exciting news is that I can give away 1 space on this magical new collaborative art course! Keep reading if you want to find out more about Ever After and if you want to find out how you can win a spot!
First let me tell you a bit more about Ever After in case you haven’t heard about it yet! “Ever After” is a mixed media art & style development course with a fairytale theme hosted by Tamara Laporte from Willowing Arts. Tam is joined by 15 popular mixed media art teachers who will all share beautiful fairy-tale & myth inspired lessons with you AND they will also divulge all their hints and tips on how they developed their own style and how YOU TOO can find your own unique voice as an artist!
You can find out all the information and details (and sign up with the Early Bird price) by clicking below.
My chosen fairy tale is The Goose Girl a lovely old Brothers Grimm story that I really resonated with. My lesson will be inspired by this fairy tale, I have some fabulous ideas in mind for what I will create. I’ve not fully developed my class idea yet, but I’m excited to be sharing my technique with collage, sketching and a whole bunch of mixed media with you, much like you can see in the three artworks below – except of course there will be a goose!
So if you have always wanted to draw and paint fairy-tales, explore your own personal story and style and hang out with a wonderful creative community of like-minded souls, be sure to join once registration opens! Keep this page bookmarked so that you can sign up the moment it goes on sale!
Registration opens on May 17th 2017 and the class begins on July 1st 2017.
Now then, onto the give-away and blog hop! I can give away 1 space on Ever After to 1 lucky winner, yay! And if you follow the blog hop (see below for links and dates) you can up your chances of winning a space by entering all the other give-away’s too!
How to enter the give-away just do these 2 things:
1. Share this give-away on Facebook (share button is below this post).
2. Leave a comment below letting me know why you would love to join Ever After this year.
While you are here why not sign up to my newsletter (click here) – however this is not a requirement to win.
I will announce the winner on May 17th (AEST).
Here is the list of all the amazing teachers who will be teaching on Ever After – they will all be giving away a spot on Ever After so go check them out and enter their give-aways!
Date | Teacher | Blog URL |
2nd May 2017 | Tamara Laporte | willowing.org/blog |
3rd May 2017 | Andrea Gomoll | andrea-gomoll.de/blog |
4th May 2017 | Danita Art | blog.danitaart.com |
5th May 2017 | Effy Wild | effywild.com |
6th May 2017 | Kara Bullock | karabullockart.com/2017/03/ |
7th May 2017 | Karine Bosse | kabostudio.com/blog |
8th May 2017 | Katrina Koltes | katrinakoltes.com/2017 |
9th May 2017 | Marielle Stolp | mariellestolp.wordpress.com/ |
10th May 2017 | Micki Wilde | thesecrethermit.blogspot.co.uk |
11th May 2017 | Roberta Laliberte | prairiefairydesigns.com/blog |
12th May 2017 | Sarah Trumpp | wonderstrumpet.com |
13th May 2017 | Stephen Lursen | stephenlursen.com/blogs/ |
14th May 2017 | Tiare Smith | tiaresmith.com |
15th May 2017 | Toni Burt | toniburt.com.au/blog |
16th May 2017 | Ivy Newport | graceandivy.wordpress.com |
congratulations Cheryl Howard !!!! you are the winner of the Ever After spot! Thank you so much everyone for entering, and I hope to see you there 🙂
I would love to win a spot to this awesome course! Thank you for the opportunity! How exciting the fairy tale theme is and to learn from all you fabulous artists! A huge plus of course is the guidance in finding my own style!
Joining Ever After is a goal of mine as I am excited to join this art journey with other creative souls interested in learning and sharing. Plus, fairy tales are so imbedded in the arts of so many world cultures, why would anyone ignore a chance to explore them as a way to understand themselves, the world, and creativity?
I am getting excited for everyone as we wait in anticipation for the lucky winners! I hope I’m one!! I loved last year and would love to continue on with all these artists. It’s a whole new world when you bring fairy tales back into your live. ?
Ever After is too special to miss. I hope I can win a spot! Your art is so intriguing!
I like your page. Cool stencils !
So many artists to learn from is the reason I would love to win a spot in Ever After !
Thank you for a chance =)
Toni I would love to win a spot on Ever After 2017. I did Ever After 2016 and as a newbie to mixed media and have no artist veins I loved the journey, faces not great but all work is individual, thank goodness. I would love to also do it this year but things are a little tight as my husband and I have taken on 2 foster children and of course as we work the government still means test us for childcare and everying else for the children. But they are a delight and doing so well.
When you are a world away, hard to know when the deadline is, but promoting all anyway because it’s amazing. Why would I like to win? Because I love learning new techniques, sharing, and to be inspired!
I’m excited to learn from so many amazing and talented artists! I took EA2016 and loved it. I’m looking forward to another summer of fairy tale art fun.
I loved everything I learned last year and can’t wait to learn more from this years teachers. I shared on Facebook and I’ve subscribed to your newsletter.
I would love to explore this class to learn various techniques.
Hi Toni – love your work and love Tam and would love a chance to win a spot in Ever After. Honestly the line up of artists is amazing. Fingers crossed!
I loved Ever After last year and so pleased that you are teaching us this year too! Would love to win a space this year x
Pick me me me – because I am broke broke broke – but I will share share share!!! thanks thanks thanks . I don’t troll troll troll – I just lol lol lol and give thanks thanks THAAAAAANX.
I just adore your style! I’m hoping to win so I can buy a spot for my daughter to take this class with me.
Wow, your art is so stunning. Thank you for the opportunity to win EverAfter 2017. The chance to tell a story and learn more about creating your own style is fabulous.
I just love fairytales! So taking mixed media to a new level and learning about drawing and painting, in combination with fairy tale magic would be awesome!
Hi Toni, I’d love to meet you in Ever After class for some creative storytelling. It’s where magic happens.
Love, Marjolijn
I would love to join in,love all your work and it sounds like great fun
I would love to join ever after this year! After 4 major operations in 12 months I just want to paint – and what better way to escape from reality for a little while than with fairy tales?
Sharing on FB… thankyou <3
I just love fairytales and many of my favourites are in Ever After this year. Drawing and painting helps me keep my balance and I would like to develop more towards my own style and this al is combined in Ever After so I would love to win a spot 🙂
I would love the chance to go on a wonderful journey,with fellow artists and instructors.
I would love to be part of Ever After. What a treat to be a part of the whole magical adventure of Ever After.
Wow, who wouldn’t want the chance to learn from the elite in the Mixed Media Art World… I am yet to find my own style and the diverse styles being offered by all the teachers will either help me find it or really confuse me… hahaha. Cheers for the opportunity to win such an awesome prize…
Hello! Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity! I’d love to win a spot in this class because I love fairytales, and it so happens The Goose Girl is one of my very favorites. I’d also love to win because I am constantly trying to learn new technique and perspective to advance my growth as an artist, and I know I would with so many wonderful teachers.
I’m relatively new to mixed media and decided to dive into it while taking time off from school teaching to develop my much neglected arty side. I’m loving every minute of Life Book this year and feel EverAfter would add an extra dimension to my work….especially style development. So I’m excited to have the chance to win a free spot!
So grateful to you and all the lovely artists who take the time to share with us your journey in art. It would be an honor to be a part of this beautifully talented souls. Good luck to every artist at heart!
I would love to do Ever After again. I found it very useful to practice art differently. It will be my summer project.
Would love to join “Ever After” , need something exciting in my world. Thank you.
Toni, I would love to win a spot! This looks like just what I need…
I would love to win . I did last year Ever After. I loved all the techniques being taught and looking forward to this year Ever After.
Would love to adventure into the Ever After class …what a dream journey …thanks for the opportunity..Loz
I was in Ever After last year. I learned so much and it was a blast to see everyones interpretation.
I would love to join Ever After because it fits right in with my goals for the year. I am exploring sources of inspiration and trying to develop my personal style – so it’s perfect! I had opted not to do this class last year and have regretted it ever since, so this year I am in! I will be looking forward to your lesson!!
Oh my goodness.
I would love to win a spot in this amazing course. As a homeschooling Mum of 4, art time is my ‘Me’ time. After putting me on the back burner for the longest time I am now making time to find ‘me’ again and art was always one of my biggest passions when I was younger. When I’m in that space I feel absolute joy and connection to the creative me that was in the shadows for so many years. I love the lessons that I have purchased from Tam snd I am uber excited about Life Book 2017. So many amazing artist to inspire and teach us.
I would love to join this course 1. because of the wonderful teachers and 2. because I love fantasy and fairy tales. Thank you for the opportunity. 🙂
I love all the wonderful magical creations of Ever After. I played and dabbled in last years Ever After, and really want to do it again. New and Past teachers will bring to us all a very very whimsical magical time. Good luck everyone you are in for a real treat.
Love all of Tam’s classes. She put together a really nice one here. I’d love to join in.
Thanks Tina for this opportunity. I would just be so excited to win a spot as all the many different styles and ideas would be so inspirational and motivating . Such as your style which looks amazing with all the texture and different layers … wow ! I have put it on my fb page and signed up to your wonderful newsletter … x
Sorry I meant ‘Toni’ and didn’t know how to edit it … oopsie xx
Would really love a spot, i did ever after last year and found it amazing; sadly finances dont permit my participation this year; would love to win a spot. Thanks for the offer and congrats to you for the collab offer ?
Hi Tony, love love your artwork! It would love to win a spot on this class! ??. It would be an amazing experience!
Oh how I LOVE Goose Girl!!!! I’d love a chance!!!!
thanx for the opportunity to win a place,roundo 1 was a real blast so just have to follow with round 2
ciao joan in italy
I am working on finding my style. I want to win a spot on Ever After so I can acquire more techniques which will help in developing my style. But I also want to learn to have fun in my art and Ever After looks to be a lot of fun.
First I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you for this opportunity! I would love to win a spot for one, May 16 is my 41st birthday and to be honest, I could use all the whimsy and inspiration I can get right now! I’m a mother of four and we’ve had a very rough couple months and things are finally settling and improving, I’m happy to say! EVER AFTER would be my happy icing on a cake that took very, very long time to make! ???????❤️?
It looks like so much fun to learn from so many wonderful artists ☀️
Golden Goose sounds like fun. Can’t wait!
Love love love, just love your style and would like to learn from you and all the others beautiful artists!!!
I would love to learn different techniques from all the awesome artists! I follow some on Instagram (like you!) because I fell in love with their art and now I would like to have a chance to learn from all of you! Thank you!!
Fairytales and mixed media what an Awesome class!!
Thanks for the chance to win…
I love fairy tails and i just relearned to draw, after many years of doing it not. It would be perfect to learn from great artists!!!
I would love to be part of Ever After! There are so many talented teachers in this class and I would love to take away from the class just a little of the knowledge that everyone is willing to share. Can’t wait!
I am in the process of developing my mixed-media style and Ever After is the perfect class to continue on that fabulous journey. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win a spot in the class. I shared your blog to my Facebook artist’s page http://www.facebook.com/sandytoesstudio. I love your style!! ( :
Yeah Ever After 2017 is coming up!
I would love to win a spot this year to enjoy our new home and ‘studio’ with my 6 year old son.
I participated last year and am anxiously waiting for this year’s Ever After to start again. So glad you are teaching.
By the way, I notice that the date says the 16th, but it’s the 15th. Maybe it’s a time difference or something. ?
I am in Australia we are a day ahead 🙂
I would be so privileged to belong to creating in Ever After, to use the tools for the rest of my time on earth to make others happy and myself. It would mean the rather awesome talents transferring their skills for sharing with others can make for easier and new ways to do somethings I find difficult, Teachers are students and students become teachers. So when the student is ready the teachers appear….ta da.
I would love the opportunity to participate in the Ever After art journey. It looks like so much fun. And the possibilities from learning from different teachers is so exciting.
I was in class last year. The learning and the fun was great. I am so looking forward to learning new techniques and seeing the tales/myths through other’s eyes.
Why I would love to join? Because I think I deserve it…being in a pretty tough process of working through childhood traumas I think it is time for me to let the child in me play in her own fairytale class… Thank you for the chance!
I wanted to do this course so bad last year but I was a brand new artist. So exited that I feel ready to do it this year!
I am still new to the world of art. Classes would be a big help to me as I really have no background in art!
I would LOVE to win a spot in this wonderful class! SO many amazing artists, including you, Toni! I am subscribed to your youtube channel and LOVE your work! Thank you for the chance!
I would love to win. Took it last year and it was awesome. Sharing.
I would love to win a spot in Ever After. I think it will help me loosen up and be more creative in my art. Thanks for this opportunity!
My dream is to expand my artistic abilities. To finally be brave enough to go further with my art. I want to learn new things and learn how to fall in love with a style my own. I have never done this class. I just heard about it this latest month and I am so excited about it. I would love to be lucky enough to win a spot.
Thank you
I need to stretch my creative wings a bit and this seems like a wonderful way to do it! I can’t quite follow the entry directions as unfortunate incident with my unique name led me to keep my fb very closed off, but I did tweet https://twitter.com/realhomeschool/status/864194648813785089
Hi Toni,
I’m very inspired by your art and all the artists in this For Ever After workshop and have been learning for about 4 years all different methods of mixed media art to drawing faces, etc. self taught through youtube, (which has become an obsession!) and would like to further my journey through this workshop! This to me is a way to put all my stresses in life away for a while and become lost in a dream of fairy tales and hopefully develop my own style. Thanks for your consideration!!!
Ooooh I love the beautiful winged girls over yummy colors! Your art is fabulous and I would love to create in this style. A spot in this journey would mean the world. Thank you for the opportunity!
First off…so glad you are one of the teachers involved in this amazing project! I would love to take these classes because…well…still believe in fairytales! ❤
I can’t wait to take Everafter! I’m excited to learn tips from so many amazing artists like you! I’m taking the class whether I win or not Thank you for the opportunity!
I’m so excited about this class! I’m taking it whether I win or not! I can’t wait to learn tips from so many amazing artists!
Wow, i like your style. Sorry i didn’t know you before? I am relatively new to creating art. A friend has ‘infected’ me with the artsy-virus, i want to learn as many techniques as possible. Ever After to me is also a leap, it’s out of my comfortzone so to speak. But i’m excited to broaden my horizons and try new (a bit scary) things!
My favorite fairy tale is Hansel and Gretel. I have wanted to do some art towards this and would love to win
And learn from many a talented women, hoping to be inspired to continue learning and practicing drawing, painting and mixed media.
I’m looking forward to learning new techniques from all the amazing artists. There’s many I already love and can’t wait to discover the many new artists who look so talented also!
I want to join EverAfter to learn new techniques from these amazing teachers!!! I LOVE fairytales as they get my imagination going. Can’t wait!! I also shared on Facebook!!
I’m hurry to start. The last year was wonderful! my favorite is Peau d’ane
I was part of the Ever After group in 2016. It was awesome. So I’m back for another fun year! 🙂
Well I want to win because I love the lovely teachers and all the different fairy tales that will be inspiring those who do it.
I’m excited to learn new techniques and develop my own style.
Winning a spot in this class would be so amazing! There are so many teachers that I have never explored before. I am definitely seeking to further my own artistic style and experiencing so many different teacher artists will help me so much in my endeavor.
Thank you for a chance to win a spot to this amazing course with all you fabulous artists! I missed a chance of joining last year. Would love to learn all the different styles and techniques while creating these wonderful fairy tales. A huge plus of course is the guidance of finding my own style!
I would love to win a spot in Ever After because I am new to art journaling/mixed media art and want to learn as much as I can. I also want to start to develop my own style and discover who I am as an artist. I have loved Fairy Tales all my life, so this class would be perfect for me. I love the fact that there are so many different instructors, each with their own unique style and teaching different techniques that I can use in my own art. Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity!
Eeep – so excited for this round, and a chance to learn more about developing my own style. The teacher line up looks fantastic! Thanks for the chance to win a spot!
Thanks for the chance to win it would be wonderful to learn different techniques from the fabulous artists involved with this years Ever After
Because it will be MAGICAL!!!! <3
Shared on my FB page! I would be thrilled to win a spot in this amazing course with the awesome lineup of instructors such as yourself! I want to take this course for the opportunity to grow as an artist and work on my personal style. Thanks so much for the chance! [[fingers crossed!’’]]
So many amazing artists to learn from and fairy tales ?what more to wish ?thank you for the opportunity to win a place!
Shared to Facebook! I love the magical fairytale theme of this course! And to play with so many styles from so many talented artists . . . this course is an absolute MUST for me!
Toni, I can see how your style of painting will easily lend itself to fairytales <3 This course looks amazing! I am excited to learn all of the different tales these lessons are based upon! Thank you for a chance to win!
Ever After was my favorite class last year. Can’t wait to see your lesson coming up! YAY!
Would love to see how you bring the fairytale in to your style of painting.
Hi Toni,
This EverAfter class seems sooo interesting. I love the subject, I love the artists and I can’t wait to dive into each lesson and learn more about your art.
I would love to learn new techniques and inspirations. I would like to continue the process with Ever After course last year was great and I think this year will be too.
Shared to Facebook (uses my personal email address instead of this artsy one, hope you can find it!) I took Ever After last year and would love to learn more from the new round of instructors!
I would love to be a part of Ever After because I am so inspired by your work and the work of all the other artists teaching this class. I feel like I have a lot to learn and can’t wait to dive in! Thank you for this opportunity!
ps. the Facebook share button was not working for me, so I copied and pasted the URL into my Facebook post. I hope that will do!
I would love to win a spot in the Ever after course because of the wealth of inspiration and tips that I would learn from all the amazing teachers!
Love your artistic style Toni … and winning the chance to learn more from you and so many other talented artists would be true bliss!
Hi Toni. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your work, and am so excited that you are going to be teaching on Ever After this year. That alone makes it a must-do for me! Oh, and of course, all the other amazing teachers whom I would love to learn from. Thanks. xx
Life mimics all Fairy tales…… This is a “Once Upon a Time” dream….:)
it would be a fairytale come true if I were to win a spot!
I LOVE your work, Toni! It would truly be a blessing if I won a spot in the class!! Fingers, toes & eyes crossed!!!
As I hop from blog to blog I become more excited each day. The teachers are amazing! This course sounds like its going to be two tons of fun. I love myths and fairytales and learning new techniques.
I just now heard of this hidden treasure! Looking forward to being a part of this community!
Congrats!…I’m hoping to get a chance to learn from you, I love your art. I enjoyed this course last year, learned so much, and I’d love to win a space in the new one! Thank you so much for the opportunity! ❤️❤️❤️
Hi Toni, I’m really looking forward to Ever After this year, I missed out on last years. So many amazing artist together, congrats on being part of this. Your art is beautiful, and very inspiring. Thank you. I would love to win a spot! X
Hi!I’m so excited about Ever After this year and all the new artist that have joined. I was able to play along last year a learned so much about art and myself and I would love to be able to continue the journey again this year. Thank so much for this opportunity and good luck everyone
I would love to continue my Ever After journey of last year…..the idea of fairy tales is such a magical thing and brings such joy to my heart. Thanks for the opportunity to win a spot!!!
I would love to join Ever After because I need more magic in my life and I would love to findy own voice in the world of Art.
Such amazing artists teaching in this years Ever After 2017! I follow many of their blogs and have taken classes from a few Toni is definitely one of my favorite mixed media artists out there. Would so love to win this opportunity to learn from these wonderful artists.
I love your art and would’ve over the moon to win a spot on the Ever After course.
I love the story of the Goose Girl! I had forgotten about it till just now! Such memories just came back- thank you!
I would love to win a spot as i have never participated in an Ever After class and this line up of teachers is the best!
Thank you- Jackie xx
I would love to win a place on this course for a chance to learn with artists that I know of and to be introduced to artists that I have never had the privilege of knowing. Fingers crossed ??
I wish to learn to create my own style. This course is the best way to this purpose.
I love all the teachers who will participate in Ever After 2017!!! Shared on Facebook and signed for your newsletter. I really want to be a part of this course.
Fingers crossed!!!!
Thanks for the opportunity to win a spot in this awesome looking course Toni! So many amazing artists to learn from and reach out of my comfort zone exploring new techniques.
So happy to read you will be teaching in Ever After too! Love your work! Thanks for the opportunity to win a spot in this great course. I would love to be part of it, because in my journey I crave for more inspiration, and finding my own voice, and last year EA was amazing helping me in the right direction, and I am quite overwhelmed to see all these new teachers on board, so much more input once more! Keeping my fingers crossed ?
I would love to win a spot-I think like lots of people who discover art and creating finding your own style is like a holy grail and I would love some guidance and help with that. I also love fairy tales and myths and legends and stories and the idea of using them as inspiration sounds awesome.
I’d love to win a spot in this course because I love fairytales and myth – they inspire me!
Definitely on the top of my bucket list!
Avid scrapper and crafter gone on The Artful Mixed Media!!! Looking to find myself and lose myself in the talents of such fabulous Artisans. An adventure of the heart and soul I’m eager to explore.
Would love to win a place on this course for a number of reasons…1. Well, Fairytales of course, I love to look at the origins of them and see how they have changed (a lot!) over the years. 2. The amazing artists that will be teaching this year, i would love to learn off all of them, new and old. I have shared your post on my Facebook page. ??
I would love to win a place on this course as I love fairy tales but more importantly I would really like to find my own style. Looking forward to the course anyway. 🙂
I would love to win a place on this course as I want to learn how to take my art practice to the next level 🙂
I would love to take this course! I really wanted to take it last year but couldn’t afford to pay the fees, and now this year I still can’t afford to pay the fees. So a chance to win it is something I am dreaming of! Thank you so much for the opportunity.
I would love to take part. I would love the opportunity to develop a freer, looser style and learn from all the amazing artists involved! I also find the concept so inspiring and fun!
I would absolutely love to win a place so that I can try and develop my drawing skills and be once again part of the wonderful Tamara world . Through money reason from been disabled I was unable to join life book this year and have truly missed it with all my heart , the art , the friendship , the emotional encouragement and support through art and Tamara,s mediation ! Fingers crossed
I would like to win a spot. This is perfect for me because at thus point I really want to find my own style. Plus all the fairytales and lessons in art!! Count me in! I shared on my facebook page. My name there is Caro Kb
it’s fairy tales!!! and taught by an incredible collection of teachers!! who wouldn’t want to do this 😉 was so excited o see your name on the list as i already have a few of your classes which i am LOVING xx can’t wait to start xxx shared and already a longtime subscriber 🙂
So glad you’re taking part in this. What an exciting class this looks with lots of new people to learn from, would love to win a place on this.
I can’t wait for Ever After 2017. I did 2016 and learnt a lot! I found that learning from so many different teachers, all with slightly different approaches, gave me more opportunity to understand and to feel free enough to just let go and play. I can’t wait for more of that and some new experiences I’m sure!!
I would love to join ever after as I love fairytale art and am ready to take the step into style development. Excited to get started. I have shared on facebook 🙂
Love your work.
I did this course last year and it was so much fun. And I’m super happy you will be a teacher this year. I’d love to win a spot.
I like how you introduce collage into your pieces, and the faces are just gorgeous.
Oh how fantastic to be able to draw fantasy like!!! Would love to do this class!
I am so happy to see your are one of the teachers in Ever after. Love your work… life is not always automatically fairy tale at alle but painting can.make you live in an imaginaire world for a couple of hours…..
So love the line up of lovely artists for everafter classes and would love to join them for classes to do more exploring. Art wishes Lorrayne
I’d love to participate in Ever After fairy tales. Growing up I had no exposure to fairy tales. Sounds fun!!
Love your art work and your lesson in A Thing Called Love. Excited to see you are in the lineup for Ever After. This is my first time taking Lifebook 2017 so excited to have a chance to win a spot in Ever After. ?
I ❤️ Fairytales. Ever after would be a lovely summer holiday ‘thing to do’.
Drawing in the garden, dreaming of fairytales, brushes dipping in water and paint…
looks like an amazing course with an amazing line up of artists! I would be over the moon to win a spot and learn from these fabulous artists…
Would love to win a spot because it is such a great chance to learn so much from all this wonderful teachers !
I need fairytales in my life. Won’t go into details but life is hard. Art keeps me sane. This coyrse woyld mean so much.
You are a favorite artist of mine, so I was glad to see your name in the teacher lineup. I took EA2016 and learned so much. I think I’ll learn even more this year. Winning a spot would be terrific for my bank account. Lol.
I have been waiting for registration to open for this course. So many wonderful artists
I love fairytales. They bring so much magic. I would love a spot on Ever After, the artists bring so much magic and charm to all their work and to be able to have a chance to win a spot to learn from all the artist how to bring this to my art would really make my life completely Ever After.
I love your art. Would be so blessed to learn from you. ? Thank you for the opportunity
I would love to win this awesome art class because im always searching to learn new ways to create art. I also love to see all the pictured from the artists either new, old, or teacher post. Seeing everyone’s creations is very fun and interesting. I just love learning how to create awesome art.
Are you kidding. I would love to sit on these classes. Such amazing teachers ?
This would be a dream come true for me . I struggle with finding my style. I love all mixed media but can’t do all of what I see. Would love to learn and hear what all of you amazing Artist have learned.
I would love to join again. It would be great to play this summer with all these fantastic teachers and with you Toni ;).
I took part last year and I want to take part again because it deeply touched me when artists told about their personal way to find their style. It is such a help to deal with my insecurities.
I would love to win a spot on EA…fairytales are a great way to deal with reality!
Fingers crossed
Awesome workshop with an amazing line up of artists! Of course I would be thrilled to win a spot!
I’m so excited for this course? So many amazing artists. I just started art journaling in Jan and would love to win a spot so I can learn different techniques and find my own style ? Thank you for the opportunity
Omg I looove your work, and to win a spot on the workshop would be absolutely amazing, I find I never have something that is just me myself and would love to learn to draw with the assistance of all the amazing artists in the Ever After classes.
Amazing artists! Can’t wait to play ?